ARTISTS IN RESIDENCY | Palazzo Caprioli Project
dom, 11 oct
|Palazzo Caprioli

Horario y ubicación
11 de oct de 2020, 12:00 p. m.
Palazzo Caprioli, Via Sale, 109, 25064 Gussago BS, Italia
Acerca del evento
ARTISTS IN RESIDENCY | Palazzo Caprioli Project
OPEN CALL 2020 October 11-17, 2020
Vision: Elia Mrak and Martin Piliponsky Coordination: Margherita Baratti
Mission: To curate a collective space for individuals to create in community. We are opening a one-week residency with a simple goal of each creating a 5-min solo through any medium of expression. At the end we will offer an open presentation to the community, with a celebration afterwards. We are opening the residency for people who already have an artistic practice, including but not limited to: dancers, musicians, writers, philosophers, actors, circus artists, designers, and visual artists. We are creating this residency to offer an opportunity to create something that could only come from this unique experience with this unique group of people.
Vision: To gather a group of 15 people at Palazzo Caprioli. We will live together in this space as a home, including time in nature, with a blend of dance, meditation, writing, talking, eating, walking and working as a collective to build solos with a performance at the end. The morning classes will be open to everyone to join us in Qigong, Dance, and Meditation.
Some more words on how we envision this creative process: In this process together we will build from the information that is already emerging. We will not create new information specifically, but we will enhance everything that emerges from the group gathering and the personal creative process. We will support everything that arises during the residency with containment and support, as does blowing wind into a fire. In the face of today’s reality it is necessary to collaborate with peaceful and awake people, willing to embody the feeling of creation and not push for this feeling.
Why: We can find a deeper potential in each of ourselves through the work we do together. And we believe it is a very important moment in the world to work, collaborate and express through the openness of being together.
What: Included: - Accommodation - Classes - Space to create - Food: Two organized meals per day (Lunch and Dinner; Breakfast on your own). Each day includes: physical training, experience in nature, meals together, open practice space, sharing of work. We will cook together, rotating responsibilities.
Cost: 890 Euros
Daily Schedule: 7:30 - 8:30 am: Meditation practice 8:45 - 9:45am: Breakfast 10:00 - 11:45am: Qigong and Dance Experience 12:00 - 2pm: Break and Lunch (group) 2:15 - 4:15pm: Creative time 4:30 - 6pm: Break 6:15-7:45pm: Sharing of work/rehearsal together in space 8pm: Dinner (group)
About the classes:
“Qigong and Bodywork” w/Elia Mrak:
We will use Qigong and Bodywork as a doorway into expression. Throughout the class we will learn practices from Qigong to generate our own potential energy working on bringing attention to different layers and systems of the body. We work alone as well as in partners/groups. We will use the energy from Qigong and the integration of Bodywork to create.
“Morning Dance” w/ Martin Piliponsky:
Space makes us adaptable, it gives us the opportunity to change, to transform energy into movement, matter into evolution; it is the body that allows us to transcend and dance a clear manifestation of that state. The work seeks to awaken, warm and empower our senses through simple exercises of spatial connection. Leaving and descending to the ground to train the connection of our centre with the periphery. Group dynamics to keep us alert. We will focus on the use of the hands to spatially write our movement, the spine as the motor for displacement and the feet as the support and contact with the earth. Breathing as our vital internal-spatial connection with others and with space. The recognition of weight and by consequence the force of gravity. We will practice ways of using touch, and at the same time being touched. We will seek a deep listening within ourselves and with the other participants. We will focus on the internal gaze seeking to soften any tension, discomfort and blockage; to move, improvise freely and create scores of physical thought in groups, trios, duets and solos.
“Meditation” w/Margherita Baratti:
“We meditate so that our minds can be sharp and alert. We chant mantras so that our souls may be ignited like candles. We walk in the light of this beauty”. The practice will include the Technology of the Sound, Pranayama’s exercises, Mudras, mouvements, and concentrations points, according of the Kundalini Yoga’s studies. We’ll train our mind, our capacity to be naturally creative and intuitive. The aim is to connect every morning with our inner and elevated self. The collective practice is more powerful and effects full.
Palazzo Capriolli, Gussago, Brescia, Italy.
Palazzo Caprioli is a palace of 16th century open to enhance personal growth through art, philosophy and spirituality. Classes, workshops, events, festivals and artist residency are offered to people from all nationalities and backgrounds. The mission of the space is to move from the internal-self (I) to the external-self (You) and from there to the collective-self (We). Understanding of the what means “we” allows one to understand the other, giving the chance to talk and listen without imposing any personal truth. Culture has become the common point between everyone on earth. Understanding of the other is necessary on the path to the collective consciousness. In a intercultural and interdisciplinary context the aim is the construction of the Persona, in all its forms, as the most significant realization and manifestation of the human being. As a celebration of life, this shared space give anyone the chance to discover his or her own authenticity and use it for loving one self and to serves others.
We are: Margherita Baratti, Martin Piliponsky, and Elia Mrak.
Margherita Baratti (Italy)
Margherita Baratti is a PhD student in Philosophy and a teacher of Kundalini Yoga. Founder of Palazzo Caprioli. For her, the research is the base of life. In her classes she integrate philosophy, spirituality and art to enhance personal growth. In her opinion body, thought and feeling need to be feeded with equality. She is an explorer of the language of corporeality in its expressive and communicative potential. She studied photography, theatre and dance with the same purpose: challenge and knowing herself.Creativity become the right path to grasp the meaning of existence. The spiritual path for her means understand who we are, put it in action and serve others.
Martin Piliponsky (Argentina)
Martin believes that dance can change the world and specially through dance we can stop violence. Lets go deep in ourself so we can recognize our own capacity to bring peace. Martin is an architect and urban planner, a dancer and teacher of improvisation. Throughout his growth, the Hebrew folk dances and athletic sport training have shaped his character and spirit. For the past several years his passion for architecture is reflected in his guidance as a teacher and curator of spaces both traditional and non-traditional for the practice and performance of dance and improvisation. Blending his background in architectures and dance, Martin teaches teaching how the possibilities of spaces in which we live can transform dance and life itself. Sustained by a practice in deep listening to oneself and the environment that contains us, he shares his practice through teaching and performance to students and audiences all over the world.
Elia Mrak (USA)
Elia is on a mission to prove that everyone can dance. Everyone deserves joy. And everyone can heal. He use the power of dance to inspire, educate, and connect people - transforming movement into healing for communities worldwide. He is a seeker on a spiritual journey. And he believe deeply that the body is the most powerful medium for personal and social transformation. He grew up in Seattle, doing Seattle things - hiking, skiing, cycling, camping, playing baseball, basketball, and doing theater. He began dancing before I could walk as my mother rocked around the house to Janis Joplin records with me bobbing in her arms. This is all to say that he have always been a dancer. Before he could even walk. He is a dancer in the ancient sense of dance as healing, dance as ritual, dance as storytelling, dance as music, and dance as community. His current practice fuses Contemporary Dance, House Dance, Breaking, Qigong, and Somatics. He has performed, taught, and directed throughout Europe, Central/South America, and the United States since 2008.
October 11-17, 2020.
Arriving Saturday afternoon, October 10th. Leaving Sunday Afternoon, October 18th. Saturday Night - Opening Dinner Sunday, Monday, Tuesday - Full Days Wednesday - DAY OFF Thursday, Friday, Saturday - Full Days Saturday Night - Presentation and Celebration Sunday Morning - Closing Brunch
Please answer this question: Why do you want to be part of this experience? A 1-min video sharing anything you want to about yourself
Send the application to the mail: mb@palazzocaprioli.org
We will select between 12 people for this residency.
Application deadline: July 1st, 2020 Notification of selection: July 15th, 2020
For more info please write us: info@palazzocaprioli.org